Page 6 - DLNdec2018-1037
P. 6

shop run by his father, Coysh
                   was  the  name  of  his  grand
                   mother who I believe had it as
                   a sweet shop before, and also
       gave  piano  lessons  of  which  two  of  my
       sister went to her for lessons.

      Alf married his wife Margaret in 1955 but
       we seem to have loss touch with him after
       that  but  there  is  reference  in  the  club
       committee minutes  of August 1959 that
       he be made an Honorary member. However
      Alf rejoined in 2007 and attended a few
       of the lunches at Brighton

                                              Now over to Bert for that is
                                              what  he  has  been  called  for
                                              many years

                                               ARTIST PROFILE Bert Wason

                                              It  was  during  a  school  visit  to
                                              Swanage  from  his  home  in  1947
                                              that  Bert  first  discovered  the
                                              wonders  of  Natural  History,  the
                                              rocks,  the  plants,  insects,  birds
                                              enthralled him. He learnt about the
                                              basics  of  photography  during  his
                                              National Service, as a Model Maker
                                              in the R.A.F.

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