Page 4 - DLNdec2018-1039
P. 4

Institute,  a  sports  club  designed  to  keep  young  men  off  the
       streets. New Street has been renamed Braganza Street, and is
       about 100 yards from where I live, on Doddington Grove. De Laune

       Street, Sharsted Street and Faunce Street are all ne ago.arby,
       though the Faunce Arms was converted into housing about 15

      The ‘De Laune Institute Cycling Club’ got going in the spring of

       1889, and quickly became a victim of its own success. The problem
       was that, with then new cycling ‘craze’ being so popular, lots of
       young men were cycling with the club, without being members of
       the Institute, so there was a falling out and the ‘De Laune Cycling
       Club’ set up on its own. Looking for a meeting place, the cyclists
       relocated to a tuck shop at Kennington Cross, where they were

       able to buy ginger beer.

       I wanted to find out a bit about the Institute, but so far I’ve
       almost completely drawn a blank. I can’t find out anything of when
       it was originally founded, or how long it lasted after the split

       happened at the end of 1892.

      After that the only evidence I’ve found is a single photo of the DL
       Institute athletics team in 1893. By the time of De Laune CC’s
      ‘coming of age’ in 1909, 22 New Street had been knocked down and
       another in its place. If anyone can help with any sources about

       the Institute, please let me know.

       Our Club has had its ups and downs over the years: even in 1901
       it was having problems. While there were 82 riders on the books,

       only 18 had paid their subs. Some of the competitions being run

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